
We need your support!

The Grant Girls Lacrosse club is a Non Profit organization, officially recognized by the IRS as a 509(a)(2) Public Charity - EIN  46-1833568.  The program is entirely self funded and does not receive any financial support  from Portland Public Schools.  We rely entirely on donations and player participation fees to  fund the program.   Without donations the cost of participation can become prohibitively expensive for some students,  and discourage others from joining. On average it cost ~$800 per player to run the program. Registration fees covers about 60% of that with the remaining 40% provided through  fundraising.   

This means that without the support of  the community and generous individuals like you many student athletes would not have the opportunity particulate in the sport of lacrosse.  With this opportunity comes many positive developmental experiences and valuable life lessons that are particularly important for girls to develop into healthy and success young women.    

Each year the program must raise in excess of 13 thousands of dollars in order to field teams. We need your support to do that.  Please consider giving what ever you can. Every little bit helps and any donation you make to the club is tax deductible. 

Click Here to learn more about what it costs to operate the program and where the dollar you provide go. 

How to Help

- Direct Donations -

Checks:  Make Checks payable to Grant Girls Lacrosse -  mail to: 
Grant Girls Lacrosse
C/O  Treasurer
3510 NE Bryce St,
Portland, OR 97212

Corporate Matching  Gift Programs: 
Before making a donation check with your employer to see if they have a matching gift program and use it to double your donation.  

PayPal or Credit Card:   
Use PayPal or a Credit Cart  to make a cash donation to GGL.  You'll automatically received a receipt for use when filling tax returns. 

When you Donate using your PayPal  Acct, all process fees are waived and GGL will receive 100% of donation

- Fundraising Programs -

GGL runs various  fundraising programs throughout the year.   Your participation in these programs generates support for GGL.  They are easy to join and and some require little to no effort on your part.    

Save your deposit bottles in our Blue Donation Bags -no registration needed - or donate directly to GGL from your existing Bottle Drop Acct. 

Online Sales

Special Events


In addition to direct  financial support we  always welcome a helping hand or two.  Some of our volunteer program are directly tied to fundraising effort. Others simply help us keep the program running.  If you're interested in donating some of your time to the program please visit our Volunteer page or  email